
My "big fundamental" is that being _left_ means working for a more egalitarian, democratic society, but also for fairness, not ethnic or other kinds of favoritism. Because the left has turned away from fairness it is lost and unpopular. I'm a small voice hoping to push the left back toward its basics and its natural popularity.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Iran Labels CIA 'Terrorist Organization'

Iran Labels CIA 'Terrorist Organization'

By ALI AKBAR DAREINI – 1 day ago

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran's parliament voted Saturday to designate the CIA and the U.S. Army as "terrorist organizations," a largely symbolic response to a U.S. Senate resolution seeking a similar designation for Iran's Revolutionary Guards.

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Abu Ghraib, assault by dogs, as the CIA instructions ordered

The parliament said the Army and the CIA were terrorists because of the atomic bombing of Japan; the use of depleted uranium munitions in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq; support of the killings of Palestinians by Israel; the bombing and killing Iraqi civilians and the torture of imprisoned terror suspects.

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Warrant issued by Italy for the arrest of CIA officer Bob Lady

"The aggressor U.S. Army and the Central Intelligence Agency are terrorists and also nurture terror," said a statement by the 215 lawmakers who signed the resolution at an open session of the 290-member Iranian parliament. ...

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Husband and father killed by Abu Ghraib guards

While the [U.S. Senate resolution] attracted overwhelming bipartisan support, a small group of Democrats said they feared that labeling the state-sponsored organization a terrorist group could be interpreted as a congressional authorization of military action in Iran.

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Iran Prime Minister Mossadeqh, murdered by the CIA
Lebanon's senior Shiite Muslim cleric also criticized the Senate's resolution, saying Sunday that it amounted to "a war declaration" against Tehran.

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Iraq chaos, all sides funded at one time or another by the CIA

The "classification of Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization, even though it (the Guard) represents the Iranian army and is a major reserve of the Iranian armed forces, cannot be viewed except as a war declaration," Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, the top religious authority for Lebanon's 1.2 million Shiites, said in a statement.
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Syrian foreign minister asserts a CIA connection to the 2005 London bombings

Iran defense minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar: "Today, the US army and CIA agents are trying to justify their illegitimate presence in the region through assassination, abduction and the massacre of innocent people, and through smuggling weapons and setting off explosions, while they accuse Iraq's neighbors of the crimes that they themselves commit."

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Terrorism instruction manual, CIA-supplied to the Nicaraguan contras

Other CIA crap, illustrated:

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The CIA assassinated Lumumba

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The CIA subverts democracy and funds a fake left; it has done so for over a half century.

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Illegal funder of Central American death squads, CIA-connected Negroponte is back!

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CIA enlisted the mafia to assassinate Fidel Castro.

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The CIA drugged individuals unawares with LSD, causing one suicide.

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To fund its illegal activities in Central America, the CIA aided crack imports to the U.S.

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The CIA organized and funded the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

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The CIA executed the 1954 coup in Guatemala, overthrowing the democratic government.

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The CIA spied on and harassed citizens who opposed the war in Vietnam.

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Y' got that right: "The CIA are state sponsored terrorists who perpetuate dirty tricks against any nation the US dislikes..."


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